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Archive of the 2015-2016 webinars

Read, watch, listen, download and ponder.



Phillip Lindsay: 

"The Current Global Situation 2016: an astro-cyclic overview"

Eva Lassen (Denmark): 

"Challenges of group work" 

The Heckal group (Israel) and friends:

"A Point of Light in Jerusalem"

Niklas Nihlèn (Sweden):

"The birth of humanity. " Part2



"Future of International cooperation and the role of the UN"

Martin Vieweg and Nancy Seifer (USA):

"The Living Path of Discipleship"

Freda Kemp (Canada): 

"Spiritualization of Money: 

May this Potent Energy of Thine be in the Hands of the Forces of Light"

Planetary healing ceremony

with Mads Bronsted (Denmark)

Virgo 2015 Solar Festival

Laurence Newey (UK):

"Let Light Descend on Earth: Future Light"

Joleen DuBois (USA):

"Spiritual Will -- the Lion's Roar"

Tuija Robbins (Finland): 

"The Lighted Triangle within the Darkened Square"

Niklas Nihlén (Sweden): "The Birth of Humanity." Part1.

Michael Lindfield (USA) and Nancy Seifer (USA):

"The Call to Cooperate: Liberating and Mobilizing our Spiritual Resources in serivce of the Plan"

"The Penetrating Light of the Path" Six continents collective Wesak invocation.

Maria Cristina Amaral (Brazil):

"Mind, the Revealer of the Real"

"Bringing In the Light"

2025 Initiative Coordination group


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