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Archive of the 2013-2014 webinars

Read, watch, listen, download and ponder.




Sergei Smirnov (Russia):

"Potentiating the work of the NGWS using opportunities of the cycles of time".


Mads Bronsted (Denmark):

"Identifying with our inner resources"


Tuija Robbins (Finaland):

"Eternal Life Mysteries of Shamballa and Capricorn".



Laurence Newey (UK) and Mintze Van der Velde (Switzerland):

"The Electrical Age of Aquarius. Emerging Sience of Interconnectedness."


Julia Turnawski (New Zealand):

"New Paradigm of Death".


Vladimir Vasilyev (Russia) and Yuriy Stroganov (Russia) :

"Esoteric practices in bussiness".



Uffe Rudebeck (Denmark):

Bioelectric Health -- how to manage your resources".

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Phillip Helmich (USA):

"Spiritual Activism: from inner to outter peace".



Joleen D.DuBois (USA):

"Sun Consciousness"


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