Pisces 2014 Solar Festival
with Sergei Smirnov (Russia):
"Potentiating the work of the NGWS using opportunities of the cycles of time".
Sergei Smirnov explores the opportunities of the focused group meditation on the Plan as it may unfold during the next nine years cycle (2014-2023) potentiating the work of the NGWS. This opportunity is extended during the years 2014, 2019 and 2023, as those are important steps of preparation for the potentiating for a hundred year cycle in 2025. Sergei shares group experience of using opportunities of monthly, annual, seven and nine years cycles in group meditation as well as many other things. The presenter discusses practical tools that could increase potency of group meditation. Participants have an opportunity to join the group meditation using the specifc techniques, which has been practiced by the esoteric groups in Russia and Ukraine during the last ffteen years.

Sergei Smirnov is a practicing child psychologist working with kids and parents, popularizing principles of ageless wisdom implemented in everyday life.During the last twenty fve years Sergei has founded multiple groups in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine which has formed a network of russian speaking groups that study and research ageless wisdom traditions focussing on the practical application of the teachings.Special felds of interest are practical education from early age, evolution of individual and group consciousness, transformation of karmic potencies, role of women in esotericism..