Libra 2013 Solar Festival
with Vladimir Vasilyev (Russia) and Yuriy Stroganov (Russia):
"Esoteric practices in business".
Representatives of Moscow Economic Seed Group share results of their group endeavor to comprehend and summarize practical experience of application of the esoteric principles in business world, inviting you for the collective sharing, contemplation and meditation. The aim of the group is to contribute into the manifestation of the new economy, based on the principles of sharing and brotherhood.
Vladimir Vasilyev, a and a CEO of an engineering company operating whithin the Russian timber industry. The company is engaged in construction and modernization of plants for wood processing while focusing on endorsing environmental performance of produced materials and waste reduction. Vladimir studies and practically applies the Ageless Wisdom teachings principles in his work for more than 25 years.
Yuriy Stroganov, a successful entrepreneur, a consultant for start-ups and a published author of numerous online courses and publications in the feld of online marketing. Yuriy is actively involved with Moscow Economic seed group since its beginning.