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Gemini Solar festival webinar

with Michael Lindfield (USA) and Nancy Seifer (USA)

"The Call to Cooperate:

Liberating and Mobilizing

our Spiritual Resources in service of the Plan".

As we approach 2025 there is a collective sense that the ‘veils are becoming thinner’ betweenthe worlds. There is also a growing sense of urgency among disciples and aspirants to serve humanity by bringing in the light of the New Age. Many of us are hearing an inner call to live a more soul-directed life and to play our part in the unfolding Divine Plan.

The wisdom teachings point to the need for closer cooperation between humanity and the Spiritual Hierarchy, yet this subject has evoked confusion and controversy within the esoteric community. The Gemini webinar explores how we can enter into creative communication with the 5th kingdom freed from glamour and illusion, thus harnessing the collective spiritual resources of the worldwide group of servers. 

In preparation to the webinar participants we asked to read A Call to Serve from Meditation Mount, Ojai California.

Michael Lindfield has studied the Ageless Wisdom and been actively involved in Creative Meditation since the late 1960s through an affiliation with Sundial House in England. He is a highly regarded consultant and coach with over 40 years of international experience in helping individuals and organizations unleash the creativity of the human spirit to meet the needs of our times.
Michael learned his craft from a broad range of experiences that include: a 14 year residency as a gardener and as Director of Education at the Findhorn Community in Scotland; small-scale organic farming in western Sweden; conducting seminars and presenting at conferences around the world and as a senior organization development consultant with The Boeing Company from 1989-2005. Michael is author of ‘The Dance of Change: an Eco-Spiritual Approach to Transformation’ (Penguin Books 1986) and numerous articles featured in psychology, education and business journals.
He is co-founder of The Science of Group Work initiative and currently serves as Board President of Meditation Groups Inc. (MGI) that is responsible for the welfare of Meditation Mount in Ojai, California. Michael is also a member of the Community of Living Ethics in Italy.

Nancy Seifer has been on the spiritual path since the mid-1970s when a transformative experience altered the course of her life. Before that time, she was an idealist who served in the Peace Corps in Africa, worked as an aide for ethnic affairs to the Mayor of New York City, and authored many publications on working-class women and ethnic diversity in America including a book, Nobody Speaks for Me! (Simon & Schuster, 1976). After that time she became a seeker, studying the Ageless Wisdom and learning to live under the guidance of her soul.
In the mid-80s she served as director of the Center for Peace through Culture (New York), inspired by the ideals of Nicholas Roerich, and organized a ‘citizen diplomacy’ trip to the USSR. Fascinated with the Russian people she began an extended sojourn in that country, writing a book about the Russian soul. Through this experience she paid a karmic debt from past lifetimes, freeing her to pursue her dharma in this lifetime. She is the co-author of When the Soul Awakens: The Path to Spiritual Evolution and a New World Era (Gathering Wave Press, 2008) with her husband, Martin Vieweg and co-founder of the website:, for which she has written many articles. She is also the author of: “Disciples and the Year 2025.” Currently she is involved in esoteric group work.

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