The 2025 Initiative provides a shared online space for groups and individuals from around the world to: meditate together in support of the vision of the new civilization, share experiences in living and manifesting spiritual laws and principles in everyday life, learn from each other methods to develop group thinking and consciousness and to bridge groups and concepts.
Daily Meditative Vigil
Gemini - Cancer Cycle
In this extraordinary time we call you to join a synchronized daily meditative Vigil with focused intention for collective expansion of consciousness as an outcome of the current global crisis and to empower the vision of the necessary world transformation ushering in the New Era. Please join us subjectively or online daily at 4-4:20pm Eastern.
Middle East Vigil
Every Monday
To create a space that can hold the divide in the Middle East, calling on higher support for this painful reality to lift towards resolution.
In support of United Nations
Every Sunday
Our group purpose, in alignment with the purpose of Shamballa and Hierarchy, is to refine and reform the United Nations based on the principles of cooperation, freedom, and order; respecting all life. We AFFIRM this foundation as fundamental to all international discourse and to underlie the sustainable development goals.
Solar Festivals
July 22

Current focus:
I build a Lighted House
and therein dwell
Groups' check in
August 5

Current focus:
How can different groups integrate and cooperate,
while retaining their specificity,
with a view to contribute to the realisation of the hierarchical Plan?
Common Good
July 7

Current focus:
Love: from conflict to harmony building a lighted house
Souls of our Nations
August 20

About the program
Current focus:
Planetary Psychosynthesis
The Middle East as an Evolving Entity