The year 2025 is the time when the Spiritual Hierarchy will convene and precipitate plans for humanity for the next century. This is the centennial “great download”. The world group, as the Ajna center of the planet, has the opportunity and the responsibility to play a conscious role in this planetary event.
We recognize that as groups, in order to manifest our innate capacity to function as conscious focal points within the living organism of the Planetary Group of World Servers, our groups may well practice becoming sensitive to each other’s notes and develop skills of telepathic attunement between our groups.

Daily Meditative Vigil
The need of humanity calls for continued meditative effort of the occult workers through focused meditation.
And thus, we keep our Vigil.

Every Sunday
Supporting the United Nations as an Instrument of the Divine Plan through the Sustainable Development Goals
This Group meditative effort is to direct the energies of the One Life in support of the United Nations and the Sustainable Development Goals making them an instrument of the Divine Plan and forging a communion of order for the Aquarian civilization.