The year 2025 is the time when the Spiritual Hierarchy will convene and precipitate plans for humanity for the next century. This is the centennial “great download”. The world group, as the Ajna center of the planet, has the opportunity and the responsibility to play a conscious role in this planetary event.
We recognize that as groups, in order to manifest our innate capacity to function as conscious focal points within the living organism of the Planetary Group of World Servers, our groups may well practice becoming sensitive to each other’s notes and develop skills of telepathic attunement between our groups. Thus all meditating groups are invited to join the pulse of rhythmic alignment with the World Group and the Spiritual Hierarchy following this beat:

1. A daily subjective link-in with the intergroup telepathic field, to assert our cooperation as the one Planetary Server, the Ajna center of the planet. This may be done each in our own time. The rhythms of the Noon time recollection and the
5 o'clock group alignment are powerful long established points of contact.
2. A monthly New Moon and Full Moon subjective telepathic moment of communion at the exact time, to swing into the thought field and rhythm of Hierarchy.
3. A quarterly alignment at the Cardinal Points – subjective meetings at Equinox and zoom meetings at Solstice, to participate in the pulse of our Planetary Logos.
Holding our group chalice in alignment with the 2025 Conclave, we weave together the ever-deepening field of the One Planetary Server to receive, register and radiate the energies flowing through the heart of Hierarchy.
You can find the list of the participating groups here >>>
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