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The 2025 Initiative provides a shared online space for groups and individuals from around the world to: meditate together in support of the vision of the new civilization, share experiences in living and manifesting spiritual laws and principles in everyday life, learn from each other methods to develop group thinking and consciousness and to bridge groups and concepts.

Upcoming webinars

Daily Meditative Vigil 

The need of humanity calls for continued meditative effort of the occult workers through focused meditation.

And thus, we keep our Vigil.


Meditation for the Common Good

Capricorn - Aquarius Cycle

"Sharing: Manifesting Brotherhood"


Every Sunday

Supporting the United Nations as an Instrument of the Divine Plan through the Sustainable Development Goals

This Group meditative effort is to direct the energies of the One Life in support of the United Nations and the Sustainable Development Goals making them an instrument of the Divine Plan and forging a communion of order for the Aquarian civilization.


Aquarius New Moon



Groups' Check in

Soon to come
Libra New Moon.jpg

Aquarius New Moon


Meditation for the Common Good

Soon to come
ME Vigil.png

Middle East Vigil

Every Monday

Weekly Vigil on behalf of the situation in Israel\Palestine


Creative Lab

February 11

Awakening the Souls of our Nations

Past webinars
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Capricorn Solar

December 12

Gathering in the Group Garden

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Capricorn Solar

December 15

Meditation for the Common Good

ME Vigil.png

Middle East Vigil

Every Monday

On behalf of the situation in Israel\Palestine


Creative Lab

Various dates

Awakening the Souls of our Nations

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