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Sagittarius Solar Festival Gathering

“I see the goal, I reach that goal and then I see another”


The Group Garden is our etheric meeting space, where we aspire to tune in with the higher vibrations of the Buddhic plane. In keeping with our regular monthly rhythm we learn to recognize and play with the different astrological qualities, weaving these into the fabric of our daily lives.


As the Sun moves through the sign of the Archer we direct our focus to the next recognizable goal on the long path of evolution. Where do we aim? What recognitions are needed for the next expansion of our group consciousness?


On the way to the Ninth Gate in Sagittarius, Hercules received a gift from the Goddess Athena – two large brass cymbals – to help him overcome the disturbance caused by the birds of Stymphalus. What tools or gifts might we ask for to help us achieve our next indicated step on the Path of individual development and group service?


The Coordination Group invites you to join our reflective process as we seek to precipitate the vision of the work unfolding for us during the coming year.

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