Sagittarius Solar Festival webinar
for collective sharing on
"Building the New City of Humanity:
Developing the shared Vision of the Plan".
This time we use using the potency of the Sagittarius solar festival energy for collective reflection on the direction for Humanity and the steps to be taken to reach the next evolutionary goals. What can we collectively and individually do to assist in this process? What could be our role and place in the process of manifestation of the Divine Plan for our planet?
A summary of impressions on the Vision and goals generated by a collective of the 2025 Initiative full moon webinar presenters were presented at the meeting. You can listen the recording of this preliminary meeting below.
Antonella Nobilio shared the vision precipitated by the Planetary System project of the System of Goals of the New Culture based on 7 or 49 qualities, or facets, intervals, talents, tasks. Here is a formulation of the possible 49 Goals of the new Culture, 7 for each “Sectors of human Activity”.