Monthly Cyclic Meditation Project.
Each new moon a theme for a month long collective meditative focus will be put forth by the 2025 Initiative. This theme will be aligned with a zodiacal quality of a month and therefore a topic to be presented at the full moon webinar the same month. The meditation seed thoughts to be used are the qualities of Light in relation to each zodiacal sign as presented in Esoteric Astrology, A.Bailey. pp.329-330. See the list of the seed thoughts here.
The work through each month will go as follows:
In the period between the new and the full moon, through the process of individual (or group whenever possible) daily meditation, we will build up our collective focus on the Hierarchical intention and the Plan with regard to the needs of Humanity within a specifc feld of human activity.
In the period between the full and the new moon, through the process of individual (or group whenever possible) daily meditation, 2025 Initiative participants will be encouraged to continue the collective focus on the suggested theme, radiating and distributing the energy of the magnetized thoughtform of solution out into the world as well as anchoring it through the unique work that each of us is involved in within our own life, community, and country.
This monthly meditation is to be regarded as one meditation beginning at the new moon, with the higher interlude – a highest point of receptivity and illumination – during the time of the full moon and the lower interlude of precipitation as the cycle moves again toward the new moon.
For more information on cyclic meditation, see Lucille Cedercrans, Nature of the Soul pp. 401 - 409.