Capricorn Solar Festival webinar
"The Power of Invocation and Evocation"
with Barbara Valocore and Steve Nation (USA).
During the webinar we will be reflecting on the role of invocation in the life of the disciple; of discipleship groups and in the life of humanity during these turbulent times. What does it mean to ‘live the invocative life’ in today’s world?
As a focus for Capricorn and for the new Year, we might all ponder on this passage from The Rays & The initiations, page 78: “Certain great concepts are firmly grasped by [human beings]. Certain great hopes are taking form and will become the pattern of [human] living. Certain great speculations will become experimental theories and later prove demonstrated facts. Behind all this, two things are happening: [People] are being stimulated and brought to that point of necessary tension which (as a result of a crisis) must precede a great moving forward upon the Path of Evolution. Secondly, a process of reorientation is going on which will eventually enable the mass of [human beings] to present a united front upon views hitherto regarded as the vague visions of intelligent and optimistic dreamers. A great stirring and moving is going on. The [human] world of is seething in response to the inflow of spiritual energy. This energy has been evoked by the unrealised and inaudible cry of humanity itself. Humanity has become—for the first time in its history—spiritually invocative.
Let us now consider briefly the nature of that which is being evoked, and thus gain an insight into the interrelation which exists between the three great planetary centres: The human centre, the hierarchical centre, and Shamballa. Each of these is evocative to the one functioning at a slower or lesser speed (if I might use such inappropriate terms) and invocative to the one above it—again using a form of words which is misleading in the extreme; there is no higher or lower and no greater or lesser in our universe of reality. There is only the interpenetration of substances which are all basically expressions of matter, and their vitalisation and organisation into forms of expression of the unknown Real. This essential Reality, we call spirit or life.”
Barbara Valocore is founder and president of Lifebridge Foundation, a small private foundation initiated in 1992, whose mission is “to promote the concept of the interconnectedness of all life and one humanity.” Lifebridge owns and operates Lifebridge Sanctuary, a green retreat center in the Hudson Valley of New York. A long time student of the Arcane School, Barbara is also a Trustee of Lucis Trust and is married to Steve Nation.
Steve Nation is Director of the New York office of the Lucis Trust and a former Co-Convenor of the Spiritual Caucus at the United Nations. He is co-founder of Intuition in Service and the United Nations Days & Years Meditation Initiative. On behalf of Intuition in Service, he has, since 2002, coordinated annual global Meditation Vigils for World Invocation Day and International Day of Peace. Steve writes a regular column for Caduceus Journal in UK, and a monthly newsletter from the UN Days & Yewars Meditation Initiative highlighting important international events to ‘Hold in the Light’. Since 2002 he has been closely associated with the Darjeeling Goodwill Animal Shelters and the Darjeeling Goodwill Centre in India. He is a trustee of Lifebridge Foundation.