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Individual - Group - World

"I slept and dreamt that life was joy.

I awoke and saw that life was service.

I acted and behold, service was joy.


Rabindranath Tagore


Together we are participating in a challenging and majestic planetary process - the dynamic unfoldment of the New World Mandala. Each of us is finding our own unique purpose and place of responsibility in relation to manifesting the Vision for the New Civilization.


We live in a time of unprecedented change during which all established institutions, paradigms and norms are being challenged and brought into question. One of the biggest tasks for World Servers is to face the reality of the present perceived chaos and to embrace the responsibility of bringing forward the Vision of the unfolding Plan.


Service is the response to the recognised needs of the world-- it emerges as a spontaneous outflow of Soul energy. Awakening to our individual and collective responsibility to find solutions to the present challenges is a keynote of our time.


Responsibility – response-ability – can be defined as our conscious capacity to respond to the Soul's call. This in turn implies an inner resonance with a Higher Reality. The Spiritual Hierarchy manifests through the assertion of expanding and ascending levels of recognized responsibility within groups and by individuals.


The unfolding world crisis is a call for humanity to focus on establishing Right Relations across all aspects of human endeavor: between individuals, communities, nations and all kingdoms of nature. Right Relationship with others comes into its fullest expression when

we are also in right relationship with ourselves. This implies healing our own wounds and welcoming the challenges that come with standing in the transformative Fire of Love.


In the 2019-20 annual cycle the 2025 Initiative will call the Ageless Wisdom Community to reflect on the changing nature of Service. How do the challenges of our time redefine our individual and group service? How do we recognize and refine the role of the New Group of World Servers?

Following the cycles of solar festivals (Full Moon) we will bring our collective focus to the following topics:

  • The Vision of the Plan through the cycle of the Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.

  • Responsibility and Discipleship through the Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.

  • Manifesting Right Relations through the Mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

  • We will use the opportunities of the New Moon cycles to keep our ongoing meditative focus on empowering the thought-forms of solutions expressed through the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as the most practical and globally agreed framework for the advancement of material conditions for the common good of all.

  • Through the Equinoxes and Solstices alignments we will seek to cognize our collective journey with the Mother Earth through the Solar system and our cosmic neighborhood.

Check the year calendar of our webinars for more details here.


All our activities this year will be focused on preparing the Global Community for the Festival Week of World Servers in December 2019, following with the cycle of distribution through to July 2020. The 2025 Initiative will therefore be cooperating closely with other groups and networks in this preparatory work.


We encourage all activities that would expand and strengthen the Global Network of World Servers - this includes Triangles work, individual and group projects as well as in-person attendance at conferences and related group gatherings. The Festival Week of World Servers provides a unique opportunity for the World Servers Group to strengthen in unity and empower our collective efforts helping humanity to during the next seven years in preparation to 2025 Year of Decision.



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