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First Leo Solar Festival Gathering 

with Duane Carpenter, Rose Bates and Francis Donald

Continuing our reflection on the questions 

What is True Now and What is the Next Step


Through two consecutive festivals of Leo we invite the community to reflect and share on What is True Now and What is the Next Step in discipleship identification. In our first festival, we’ll focus on Identification; in the second gathering we’ll keep Dis-Identification as a theme.

Many spiritual traditions emphasize the value of “being in the world, but not of the world.”  In the Affirmation of the Disciple, we say, “tread this way the ways of men, and know the ways of God.”  This is the challenge of The Path in Leo—to function more as consciously manifested souls in order to serve the advancement of the Divine Plan on Earth.

The time of Leo brings us qualities of nobility, generosity, magnanimity and dignity as well as childlike play, joy and the deep desire for self/Self-expression. We are called to our Centre- to our own centre stage, to the very heart of the Self. It is in Leo that the Personality becomes powerful and fully integrated and/or in which the full expression of the Soul is fully dramatized.

It takes great COURAGE to bring this all together. The Tibetan said he wished that we had more courage.


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