December 2019 Solstice Festival Celebration
with The Planetary System Project Group
From Capricorn to Capricorn.
“Construction of Ideals towards Brotherhood"
In the initial overview of the heavenly directions and cycles that prepare the way toward 2025, we will focus on this extraordinary solstice (Dec 22 h. 4. 21 GMT) which occur during the “festival week” of the New Group of World Servers (from 21 to 28 December 2019), the seven-year occurrence of group impact when our Common Work and potency of Service can be enhanced by cosmic influences.
On this Gate of the Gods which starts an initiatory year marked by the epochal conjunction between the Solar Love and Light, Jupiter and Saturn, in Aquarius, some 'functionaries' of an international “Prototype for a Planetary Order” will launch some ideal Formulas to saturate Space with the Idea of Brotherhood.
Only the One Planetary Server can assert the Plan of Love and Light on Earth.

aims to invoke and evoke
the idea of a “Planetary Order”
This project promotes and supports
the "coordinated cooperation between all who care about planetary development",
and plants (according to the rhythms of the Solar System) the "ideas, formulas and forms for a new Culture and Civilization."
Description is available in three languages.
For English: