Aries Solar Festival
"The Touch of Uranus:
Birthing the New World Order
One Electric Idea at a Time"
with Heidi Rose Robbins (USA).
With the Aries Full Moon we launch into Spring. The three ruling planets of Aries – Mars, Mercury and Uranus – all play their part in initiating the new cycle. Every year we have the opportunity to carry radical new thoughts to a thirsty humanity. The impulse of Aries moves us ever closer a world of love, light and power. Heidi Rose Robbins explores this Aries progression from the brilliance of Uranus, to the bridge building of Mercury, landing in the action of Mars.
Heidi Rose Robbins is a poet, esoteric astrologer and retreat facilitator. Heidi has supported many men and women through life transitions as an esoteric astrologer and as the leader of Radiant Life retreats, in which she teaches women how to live fuller, more expressive and courageously loving lives. She's a founding member of The Hello Love Experiment – a radical on-going project of naming, embodying, and realizing love in the world. Her first poetry book,This Beckoning Ceaseless Beauty, was published in 2013.